Are you interested in our product range and would you like to offer our products to your customers?

Please do not hesitate to contact us at: +420 607 017 627

You can also send a request for cooperation by e-mail: monika.rohlickova@kovoplast.cz or write to us directly here in the contact form , which you can find on this page below.

Company product range:

Car rear-view mirrors

Manual pumping equipment

Solid-fuel appliances

Safes, gun cabinets and cash boxes

We also offer a wide range of accessories and spare parts for all our products.

General Terms and Conditions

Opening hours of the company shop:
Monday-Friday: 8 am – 5 pm
Saturday: 8 am – 11 am

Company shop

Our customers have access to our company shop where they can see and buy our products. The shop’s assortment is expanded to include household and gardening supplies. Since 2019, the shop has been open in new premises directly in the square in Chlumec nad Cidlinou.